Let's use FreeCAD
Created: 2016-07-02 Sat 16:05
2 Who are we ?
- Philippe Coval
- Boris Clenet
- R&D Engineer, FreeCAD user (pro and hobby)
3 Motivations
- Cooperation to create OSHW contents
- Using a open format is not enough
- Access to tools : Cost, platform support
- meta data loss, compatibly (quality of exports)
- So we need FLOSS software and support free communities.
- Prority on cooperation
4 Why FreeCAD ?
- Really for Computer Aided Design
- Libre : LGPLv2, Open Development, Community
- To be used by or along professionals
- Cross-platform : GNU/Linux, Unix, Windows
- Extensible for any developer
5 FreeCAD Features
- 3D GUI
- Native format: Native XML/ OpenCascade
- in : .step .stl .svg .dxf …
- out : .step .stl .svg .dxf .pdf …
- plugins python
- features : parametric, FEM, architecture, 2D drawing, …
7 Kickstart
- Install on you favorite Operating System
- Most used mode: Part, Part design, Arch
- Import / Export to STL for 3D printing
- Hint: CSG : Constructive Solid Geometry
8 Basic: Redesign Object using CSG
8.4 Export to STL and Print
9 Advanced: capsule
- 3D printed
- 100% made with FreeCAD
- Reusable
10 Challenge: Redesign a Vehicle
11.1 Support & References
11.2 Thanks
- #GrafikLabor, #AFGRAL, ActiveDesign, #CampOSV, @LabFabFr
- FreeCAD, emacs, org-mode, org-reveal
- License: CC-BY-SA @RzrFreeFr 2016
- https://friendica.eu/profile/rzr @RzrFreeFr
Let's use FreeCADCreated: 2016-07-02 Sat 16:05